Tuesday, March 4, 2008

My first blog (part 2)

Sorry, I wasn't able to finish my first blog because my mom arrived and I had to immediately shut down my computer. She hates it when she comes home and sees me or my sister totally absorbed in front of the computer. She says that it'll ruin our eyesight and it'll worsen our astigmatism(duh! she passed on that trait to us that's why me and my sister both have abnormally formed corneas!). Plus, she thinks that it's just a waste of electricity. Anyway, moving on..I decided to write blogs for 4 reasons:
1. To make full use of our new technology (Not that online blogging is new, it's just that I haven't tried it yet)
2. I wanted to share my thoughts and experiences to others (For many years, I have been writing my thoughts in my diary which has been a mystery for some of my friends. And now, i wanted to share some to them)
3. To kill time (It's gonna be a looong vacation and I don't wanna spend my summer vacation doing nothing but sleeping and reading..need to keep myself preoccupied)
4. Because someone wanted to be updated with my day to day experiences (no comment)

Well, those are the only reasons I can think of....and now, I'm running out of something to say. So that's about it for now!